The best thing about Christmas is that we all have the opportunity to be Santa... and to bring happiness or lightness or something good to others.
These stories tickled me... they are all about spreading out the Santa duties. Or whatever your religious tradition's equivalent to Santa is...
Paying down the lay-aways...I love that it started in one place and then the spirit spread. This story is about the Santas in the Bay Area.
If you are on Facebook, and you are interested in being a Santa yourself, here's a chance to help a homeless shelter in my hometown... Lighthouse needs people to vote for them so they can get a $25,000 Home Depot card and the opportunity to win $250,000. They need the votes by December 30th.
Here's one more about Santas who are making the chat with Santa experience accessible for autistic kids.
The best laid plans often go, even though I am celebrating these Santas today, as soon as I post this I am going to work on forgetting that it is Christmas.
Through my own poor planning and execution, I am spending Christmas alone in NM. No beach weather, no Oakland, no wine tasting, no crab fest New Years Eve. Just me and the turtle in the freezing cold weather.
I am not going to cry about it anymore, just going to pretend it is not happening... or watch all the Christmas movies I own... depending on the strength I feel I have.
I hope you all are merry wherever you are.
6 days ago
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