Full disclosure: I never saw Shallow Hal, it features two of my LEAST favorite actors, but I think I understand the basic premise and hope that the title conveys some of what I think I know about the movie.
I am not sure if this online dating thing is for me... I know I have said it before, and backed that up with how it creeps me out. And it does creep me out some... and the stalker doesn't help either, but I am not sure if that is accurately capturing what is going on.
I read through all the profiles and find it creepy. That's true. What is creepy, you might ask. Well, the list of wants (unrealistic wants), the fact that men think if they are overweight that their body type is "average" but want height weight proportional women ... let's just examine that one a little more closely ... if you think you are average when your bmi tells you that you are overweight, then how the hell would you know what height weight proportionate looks like in a women?! Exactly ... what they mean is thin... fine, some of them actually say they are looking for thin women. I move right along when they say that because I don't think of myself as thin ... but that is a whole other story.
The pictures are clearly not recent... and well there is that magical three inches I believe I mentioned before... but mostly I am creeped out by the fact that I am reading all these profiles, and they are reading all those profiles as if they would tell one something about the person.
I find myself strangely attracted to the super angry and frustrated men ... mostly because I want to laugh at how put upon they feel and also want to shake their hands for writing out that frustration. But, I don't want to date them...
I guess what I am saying in some oddly inarticulate round about way is that I find online dating to be exactly all the things I don't like about fb ... particularly the way I behave. It's not that they are the most shallow beings on earth ... it turns out I am Shallow Hallie. At least I have behaved like what I imagine her to be during my adventures in dating.
I am going to meet one of the cupidites next week but I still won't give him my number ... why should I talk to him on the phone when I am not sure if I will like him?
Yeah... like I said, just call me Shallow Hallie ... and get me near some real live people because I am much more sane and nice in person.
6 days ago
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