There are far too many ideas swirling in my head to make any sense of them. Instead, I offer some articles I am relishing ... some I found, some sent by others.
One on online dating ... thinking through what people say, in their profiles, in their emails to people on dating sites, etc... a friend shared this with me. I offer it back to the internet from which it spawned.
There is too much to say about this story... I have been carefully following the local and the national coverage of the story. [I post here links to the stories from FOX news and from Arizona, not a little tongue in cheek.] I was waiting for the news flash that this gentleman, who risked his very own safety, livelihood and place of residence to help the child of another was in fact in this country without documents. Surprise, surprise... and I must say that NM's governor has a lot of nerve to release a statement that continues to support taking driver's licenses away from people like this man ... who without that license would not have been able to follow the kidnapper much less have a car with insurance. Dogmatism apparently has never met logic.
Also been following the government's new stance on immigration ... it is the cousin of the non-denial denial, I fear. Offering partial clemency, partial status is not dealing with the immigration issue; on the other hand, if you are one of the virtuous, surely this gives you reason to hope. For me, it provides another look at the cynicism of what we call "government," sadly. I bow my head in shame at this one, as should many, many others...
On a lighter and happier note, turns out Los Angeles is not only car-friendly, it is also mass transit friendly. I have actually been saying this for a while... I love getting around LA without a car... also don't mind it when someone else is driving me around. I admit it.
6 days ago
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