To add to this *news* -- I was officially accepted into the PhD program after we consulted with the profs to let them know that they had neglected to tell us whether or not we were accepted. That is to say, I received a lovely letter from my adviser letting me know that I was *in* and all that.
I also received a not so lovely letter informing me that I had not been granted an NSF, and another from the Ford Foundation. I added this to the letter informing me I didn't get the alumni scholarship. I am still waiting to hear from one more scholarship whose application I sent in last fall. And there are at least two others that I should apply to...
It looks fairly grim for the funding ... maybe the department will come through with an assistantship... maybe I will need to get a *real-ish* job, or maybe I will just take the loans this year in order to maximize the studying time.
We'll see...
Como diria mi madre espanola, "siempre hay un amanecer..."
ya veremos lo que llega
photo credits: September 2009 atop of the Sandia Mountains, not really day break ...actually night fall.
Cheers Doll! First round is on me. Jay