3198 miles later...
So, after several exasperating trips to bureaucratic offices, I was able to register my car and get my nm license. (The hold up was that I needed to present my social security card which I could not find.). I had one more stop - AAA because somehow I had managed to let the membership lapse. That little side trip turned into a long, seemingly neverending ordeal. And what's worse when I went to look for my expired AAA card, I found the ss card. Yup, the one I had to get replaced just days before. Ah well, who thought to look in the car for the ss card? Not me.
Leg one -- albuquerque to las vegas ... Should have been an easy 8 to 9 hour drive. But apparently I don't get easy. So only 80 miles out of ABQ I 40 is shut down in both directions. An hour or so later, it took a long time to just exit the hwy, I am back on the road in the opposite direction. Only one stop, thankfully, to a roundabout detour on a two lane road. It sounded worse than it was, actually, and it took me through some gorgeous country. Made me wish, again, that I had a camera.
Thanks to my sis for guiding me to a starbucks in Flagstaff so I got a little caffeine boost - and gassed up at a safeway and bought a sandwich.
I rolled into town late but got an hour back and was able to join my family at dinner - though I had already eaten so I just had some lovely Malbec. It turns out it was the beginning of my wine tour!
LV - personal Dexter marathon (end of season three and all of season four), Thai lunch, enchilada making, Christmas shopping at the outlets ...and a little work.
Leg two -- las vegas to oxnard with my sister. This actually would require a post for itself, but I am going to keep it to myself; so, I brought David Sedaris and choice This American Life for my sis to hear. She laughed until she decided to nap. Thankfully she knows where all the s'bucks are along this route. Arrived just in time to cook the enchiladas.
Christmas, movie outing with my nephew, quality and quantity time with said nephew, cooking and laundry for my pops, impromptu wine tasting and dinner with my bro and sis-in-law. Sore throat and sleeping, too.
On the road again...
Leg three -- Oxnard to gilroy. Quick and easy drive to friend's new house. Visiting, working, breakfast in bed (how did I score such a wonderful friend?), kid time, lost voice, start of a cold... Did not let it slow me down! Maybe I should have. Wine tour of Gilroy, starting to sense a theme here?
Leg four -- gilroy to Oakland.
Quick and dirty especially since at this point I had lost my voice and yet was trying to make plans to see everyone and it was new year's eve. There were bar visits, dinners, lunches, coffees and, of course, a trip to wine country. Sadly the lost voice became a hacking cough and so no baby visits.
Leg five -- Oakland to Oxnard via the scenic route (read coast hwy from Monterey) with a quick stop in Gilroy. You'll have to check the blog for the word postcards I posted from the road. Gorgeous but long day driving -- ten hours later I pulled in to more laundry for my pops.
Quick side trip to Los Angeles to see Culture Clash with college friend, pick up my mom from her trip to Mexico with my brother's family, and a trip to vinotemp's showroom to pick out a wine fridge. (Still waiting on the delivery.)
A few more days in Oxnard to cook for my parents, hang out with friends and family (read more wine drinking), and resting up for the last two legs. Snuck in a long walk on the beach.
Leg six -- Oxnard to Las Vegas
Just a drop in -- menacing clouds, high winds, finally rain and more wind, rolled in with enough time to do a little work before a family dinner. Last night of cable tv for a while.
Leg seven -- Las Vegas to Albuquerque (home)
None of the forecasted rain or snow anywhere in sight. Long but easy drive through Flagstaff (hour break to charge phone and iPod) and made it into town by 8:30p. I used the car as my phone booth and connected with a bunch of folks. Excellent use of car time!!
Seen from the road between Grants and Albuquerque:
Is it constitutional?
I don't get it either. Glad not to be driving anymore. Finally broke down and bought gas today -- I guess signalling my intention to contemplate drives longer than 10 minutes again.
6 days ago
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