It just hit me now that I pulled my headphones out - no one on the train was huddled under headphones. A few folks slept but only after conversing with their regular train mates.
Here in SoCal - natives or transplants who have gone native - like to chat or at least listen to people chat.
The old Bonaventure looks like a dwarf amongst all the buildings in downtown now. I remember driving to LA in Charlie just to ride in the outside elevators.
Cruising down the freeway against traffic in the carpool lane, opposing traffic has two carpool lanes! Way to own your traffic patterns!!
Brown haze rising. Another glorious Indian summer day on LA. Perfect beach day! You couldn't have seasonal affect disorder here if you tried.
I like Albuquerque and is is beautiful in seven hundred ways bus there is nothing like home beauty. It feels different. I guess it's like looking at your own kid. Others might appreciate his or her beauty but you see more than just the outside. What you know in your heart - all the memories and stories certain sights provoke.
I can already see the tower and planes.
6 days ago
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