If you shut the door to all errors
truth will be shut out.
-- R. Tagore
No man ever became great except
through many and great mistakes.
-- W. E. Gladstone
Ask questions from your heart
and you will be answered
from the heart.
--Omaha proverb
The art of life lies in a constant readjustment to our surroundings.
--Kakuzo Okakiwa
The greatest discovery is that a human being can alter
his[/her] life by altering his[/her] attitudes of mind.
--William James
There is little sense in attempting to change external conditions,
you must first change inner beliefs,
then outer conditions will change accordingly.
--B. Adams
Truly, I needed to hear this. And I did feel held, in that moment.BILL MOYERS: What do you do when you hit bottom?
PARKER PALMER: Well, nothing for quite a while. And people sometimes say depression is like being lost in the dark. My experience is it's more like becoming the dark. You don't have a sense of self any longer with which you can stand back and say, "Oh, I have this disease and it, too, will pass."The voice of depression takes over. And all you can hear is the darkness which is you. And I think what you learn at that point is a couple things. One is there's huge virtue in simply getting out of bed in the morning, by which I mean learning to value the fact that you can take one step at a time.
The second thing you learn is that you need other people. You don't need their advice. You don't need their fixes and saves. But you need their presence. I sometimes liken standing by someone who is in depression as being like the experience of sitting at the bedside of a dying person because depression is a kind of death, as is addiction and other serious forms of mental illness.
You have to be with that person in an unafraid way. Not invading them with your fixes, not hooking them up to wires or whatever the non-medical equivalent of that is, giving them advice, but simply saying to them with your very presence, your physical presence, your psychological presence, your spiritual presence, I am not afraid of being with you on this journey of the — at the end of this road.
Having courage does not mean that we are not afraid.
Having courage and showing courage mean we
face our fears. We are able to say
"I have fallen, but I will get up."
-- Maya Angelou
Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes.
Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow.
Let things flow naturally forward
in whatever way they like.
-- Lao Tse
All things are in the act of change;I remember the day I realized this is what they were trying to teach me at the nearly-silent meditation retreat. I packed my bags and walked towards my car. The one thing I had not come there to hear was that I could not make it better. I did not want to know that I had no control over the world or my life.
thou thyself in ceaseless transformation
and partial decay and
the whole universe with thee.
-- Marcus A. Antonius
Your pain is the breaking of the shell
that encloses your understanding.
-Kahlil Gibran
Learn to be silent
Let your quiet mind
Listen and absorb.
Daily silence experienced in humility and fervour as an indispensable exercise in
spiritual nourishment gradually creates within us a permanent state of silence.
The soul discovers in such a silence unsuspected possibilities.
It realises that life can be lived at different levels.
-- Pierre Lacout
I have been told that crying makes me seem soft and therefore of little consequence.I had been carrying this around in my back pocket [thanks, Andrea, you seem to intuit what I need] -- to remind myself, but I seem to have misplaced my little card, and I will have to write it out again because I need the reminder... sometimes hourly.
As if our softness has to be the price we pay out for power, rather than simply the
one that's paid most easily an most often.
-Audre Lorde
You can have anything you want -- if you want it badly enough.
You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish
if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose.
-- Abraham Lincoln
If I had my life to live over again,
I would have made a rule
to read some poetry and
listen to some music
at least once a week.
-- Charles Darwin