I, like many American, am outraged by the economic crisis.
I don't support the idea of bailing out (or rescuing) Wall Street in any way. I especially don't appreciate that Bush is not taking any heat for having pontificated about the health of our economy for the last four (really eight) years. This crisis did not happen in a day ... it is years in the making and there are many, many causes to the underlying fundamental problems, not the least of which is deficit spending. I am not an economist, so I may not understand all of the finer points, but I am capable of understanding that there are multiple causes and the weakness of our economic structure to handle this kind of problem with a laissez faire attitude.
Now the Republican pundits are making the rounds on the news shows blaming this crisis on sub prime mortgage holders and the weak-kneed liberals who have supported the Community Reinvestment Act and anyone who has supported Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae in the past forty or so years.
I understand that they need to talk like this because they are trying to get a Republican (self declared not knowing or understanding anything about the economy) elected president... but as with so much in the media, they say something, repeat it fourteen times and then it is living in the world as though it were truth.
When we went to war, this is exactly what they did ... and the media did not challenge or question any of the lies that were told. Before we knew it, despite MILLIONS protesting the notion of war, we were plunged into a war that plays its own part in this economic crisis.
I am heartened to see that if you were so inclined, you could get some information about the real causes of this crisis -- even in the mainstream media.
Here's one such segment that speaks to both sides in order to ferret out the truth about the causes:
6 days ago
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