Not truly sure why these thoughts have been rolling around my head; maybe just because I have time to consider life at a slower pace.
I probably could name that which is most important to me; that is, what I care about, but lately, it comes to me more in the form of things that don't matter to me.
If I had a million bucks, I would still not buy clothing at full price, though I might buy a pair of full price comfy shoes.
I would definitely not invest in make up or cosmetic surgery. And though I have been known to say that I don't color my hair because it's too much trouble and money to maintain, I don't believe I would color my hair even if I had two million bucks.
These are things that are just of no interest to me.
That is not to say that there aren't things that I wouldn't mind having...that I wouldn't mind having disposable income for going out to dinner or as many movies as I could squeeze into my schedule, etc. I just can't see myself buying a purse that cost in the hundreds or thousands of dollars.
There are just too many more things that are of interest to me and most of them don't have anything to do with vanity.
It has got me thinking, though I am not to the point of truly drawing conclusions.
Vanity. It strikes me as a terribly negative thing. And that is not to imply that I don't care what how I look or that I don't spend time brushing my hair or buying fancy potions. But the time and intensity that so many people, some of them people who I care for and admire, scares me.
Is that it is all about? I want to ask them, but I don't want to offend.
I can only imagine what they think about me.
It is probably true that I don't care much about appearance, mine that is, because I don't think it is my defining feature. That's a fancy way to say that I don't think I am gorgeous. I may be pretty, in my own way, but beauty has never defined me. So, I have little to lose, in my own mind, if I go out with no makeup or don't color my hair.
But, my lack of interest in vanity doesn't necessarily make me deep or transcendent. It might just make me ugly or shabby or rasquache, as my mother is wont to say.
What would I buy with a million bucks?? I haven't thought about it in a long time because the dream of winning the lottery has long passed for me.
I still dream of big, beautifully shabby, old houses. Victorian, preferably. Lately, to the dream, I have added a pomegranate tree. I would like some built in bookshelves and a porch swing (technically, I already have one if it is still in my friend's basement).
I am sure there are many other things I would want to buy with my million bucks, but those are the things that come to mind at the moment.
6 days ago
What about a potatoe garden? mmmmmm, mashed potatoe heaven 24/7.