Self sabotage is a very complicated, dangerous and persistent problem.
It takes a long time, in my opinion, to figure out that self-sabotage is what one needs to deal with... that is to say, we follow the same pattern, over and over again; we wonder, what have I done to deserve this? when we end up in the same hole we just climbed out of; and then, finally, it dawns on us that the "please kick me" sign we are carrying around on our back is written in our own handwriting.
Yessiree Bob...we wrote it, we taped it and we pick it up and put it back on when it falls off. And, we do this in a sleep walking state where we can't see that it is indeed US creating our "groundhog day" existence.
Then we talk to our friends about it...some listen in such an attentive way that they hear the pattern and after a while, tired of watching people they care about falling into the same hole in a very Pooh-like way, they try to stop us before we fall back in. Sometimes they pull us out and try to give us advice on how to avoid the hole the next time.
All of this is very frustrating for us (we don't believe we are really falling in the SAME hole each time; I mean, we really do believe we learned and changed from the last 100 times we fell in the hole) and for them (they just want to lock us in a closet and play the video of the last 50 times, thinking that will be enough to convince us that we have, indeed, been right here before).
What they don't know is that we can't really hear the advice. Partly, we are determined to get out of the pattern, and we mistakenly believe that we can solve the problem by getting back in the pattern and just doing it RIGHT, this time.
What we don't know is that solving the problem doesn't mean getting back into the pattern and getting it right. In order to solve the problem of self-sabotage, we need to acknowledge that we DO NOT need to be punished. We do not deserve punishment for our selves, our behavior or any past bad acts. It's worse than a messiah complex because we are not just saving the world, we are judging it, starting with ourselves and meting out what we think is appropriate retribution.
Solving the problem of self-sabotage entails loving ourselves enough to be open to constructive, productive and healthy interactions/relationships with ourselves and others. It is the opposite of seeking the interactions/relationships that will ultimately put us back in the hole.
Getting out of the hole and staying out of the hole can be accomplished by believing that we have no reason to be in the hole.
Generosity and compassion demand that I have more patience with myself and my friends who are struggling with self-sabotage. Today that means not feeling bad that I just gave harsh feedback to someone who keeps jumping into the hole with two feet. It also means cutting myself some slack for dreaming about my hole last night.
It is a daily struggle to stay out of the hole. For the past few months, my solution has been to limit my contact with new people. I mean, if I don't meet any new people who will potentially trigger the pattern, then I am safe, right? Wrong.
Being afraid to go out and deal with the world is a better symptom than denial of the pattern. But it is not a long term solution; it's not a solution at all. It demonstrates some willingness to recognize the problem and even to start to battle the desire to jump back into the pattern. Ultimately, though, it does not confront the underlying issue: taking head on the issue of loving myself, or rewriting the agreements about the life I deserve.
I am trying.
6 days ago
good one and funny :)
ReplyDeleteyes, some of us definitely invite being kicked...I know my invitation for being kicked is grounded in not knowing if I deserve more and that notion is grounded in knowing what I deserve and better yet just knowing my own value and better yet...just learning how to value my gifts an better yet valuing all of me gifts and not so "gift-like" things. For better or for worse (I say that a lot these days, it works for me.) Definitely a work in progress. Asking you to be the kicker, I realize is unacceptable...I realize the implications of it for you and for me within the patterns...for me the silver lining is that I'm atleast having someone whom I trust kick me away from the hole...doesn't make it right and it takes away from me taking responsibility for my actions and for my discipline...its easy for someone else to do it. And yes we all need help some time...but placing you in the kicker position while its break through for me, it doesn't change your situation. And that's definitely not exercising mutual self interest that allows us to fulfill our needs and feel satisfied in order to trust and love one another unconditionally. a ha! I think this is a break through on the is love only mutual self-interest. ok back to the, no its not right to pigeon hold you for this or any other reasons. I'm trying for me, for you, for friend, for my family. And asking you to kick me was the best I could do that day. Tomorrow, I will kick myself, and soon, I can feel it! -- there will be no kicking and no pigeon holding you.
I've been listening to this song...and it resonates with me questioning my are the lyrics
ReplyDeleteps. You're one of my heroes. no pressure, as hard a time as I'm having living truth...I thought...if my daughter was going through what I'm going through...I would say. keep going. be the change you want to see.
Lyrics to the song “Crazy”
I remember when
I remember, I remember when I lost my mind
There was something so pleasant about that phase
Even your emotions had an echo
And so much space
Hmm mmmm
And when you're out there
Without care
Yeah I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much
Does that make me crazy (x3)
And I hope that you are having the time of your life
But think twice
Thats my only advice
Come on now
Who do you, who do you, who do you, who do you think you are
Ha ha ha!
Bless your soul
You really think you're in control
I think you're crazy (x3)
Just like me
My heros had the heart, to put their lives out on the limb
And all I remember, is thinking I want to be like them
Hmm mmm
Ever since I was little
Ever since I was little it looked like fun
And its no coincidence I've come
And I can die when I'm done
But maybe I'm crazy
Maybe you're crazy
Maybe we're crazy