Not that I disagree with relieving this poser from his post, but this coupled with the full court press to whitewash the "bungledness" of this disaster today, I am convinced that this is all vast right-wing conspiracy to make the president look good.
I especially like the very little play that george's mom's comments got. I guess the NY Times finally wrote something about it, but I would have liked to see it replayed over and over just like the looting images. I guess since it was radio, it's less sexy.
I am also irritated by the product placement of the other Mrs. Bush ... I don't want to hear the former school librarian telling me that as a woman she would like the other supreme court nominee to be a woman; that little comment didn't help us last time the jerk named someone. I especially don't want to hear her excuse the handling of the disaster. I really don't care if Laura doesn't mind being used this way, I just don't want to hear it.
This, by the way, is my favorite part of the blog... the ability to rant on and on about something that no one else needs to hear unless he/she wants to and yet I get it off my chest.
6 days ago
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