AKA Will you keep in touch?
She said, "Will you keep in touch?"
This was after She had already asked if I would come visit her, had offered me a car, and acted like She could get me an intro to someone who is already my colleague.
I was telling someone else about my birthday trip to Nashville and the deer herd when She chirped, "When is your birthday?" both inserting herself, unwelcome, into the conversation and demonstrating how little She remembered about me. I looked at her quizzically and answered, "February 2nd."
"Oh, you are an Aquarian like me?" She said, big smile (I should say big fake smile).
I can't remember my exact reply, but I insinuated that She should know that. If we were friends once, She would know that. The only reason to try to rekindle a relationship is if we were friends once.
"My memory is so bad," She cooed, and did the head tilt to reinforce how cute She is. Barf emoji.
Why does anyone think that claiming to have a bad memory is somehow a get out of jail free card?
I don't have a bad memory.
I remember with visual precision. Maybe it is just my curse.
I remember in such a way that a song comes on, it will evoke the emotions as well as the actions I etched in my memory about a situation.
I remember words, deeds, promises, and missteps (theirs and mine).
Who, however, wouldn't remember the woman who slept with everyone's boyfriends, especially the boyfriends of women She claimed to feel really close to?
There is more, but there is no need for more than that.
When I reminded a mutual friend just who She was, that friend said, "It was twenty five years ago," (true) and "She was nice to me, to us, this weekend."
She, had, in fact, rescued mutual friend's husband from the side of the road with a flat tire, and bought said husband a new tire for the car.
She throws money and attention.
I looked from mutual friend to her husband and said, "Be careful. That's how She does it."
I continued, "She ingratiates herself. Then goes for the partner."
Mutual friend's husband said, "I did get a vibe." I couldn't tell if he was kidding, and neither could his wife, so she said, "Really?" He only nodded in assent; I guess he wasn't kidding.
Even though She was with her husband at the time; it is no matter. She also dropped into at least one conversation that he was husband number four. Like everyone else, expendable, replaceable, just holding space until the next one came along, etc.
She asked, "Will you keep in touch?" [Note She had never given me any contact info and I had not offered any either.]
I looked at her, again hoping She could read my mind so I wouldn't
have to curse aloud at her. She did her head droop which I understood to
mean please. "Sure," I answered with my most tentative voice.
She could have the winning numbers to the lottery and I wouldn't take them from her.
5 days ago