M. Z. (winner of the social network stakes) gave me a headache.
I know, I am late to the party, but as a starving student, it is, in fact, my duty to wait for the movies to hit the $1.50 theater. I know that I could have rented it for $1 at the redbox and then all four of us could have seen it for $1...if we could have gotten it back on time, but, well, then we wouldn't have gone to the movies. I pay the $1.50 for the experience of sitting in bad seats ... I really enjoy what little crowd interaction there might be.
And what did I do with my headache? I brought it to the coffee shop to BLOG about it, hah!
Yeah, so the second best thing to seeing the movie in the theater is having a great discussion afterwards. I only indulged in this precious pass time while in the car for fifteen minutes because I should be actually READING something for class right now ... or working on my master's paper or the archive work or doing some work for money. Like M. Z., who I will not name fully because he really doesn't need anymore publicity, I don't care about money. I only need what I need to live, honestly, even though lately I have been coveting some gadgets and boots...coveting and blowing money on it are really two different things.
I came here to write something, but I am rambling. Oh, yes, and James Taylor is singing in my ears, my own private concert, no Carole King, though.
Not half an hour into the film, I wanted to get online and disable my fb account. Seriously, there might be bigger assholes in the world, but it is really hard to imagine. Maybe he has some undiagnosed mental illness, I did want to get him a therapist and some meds, but no one is exempt from a modicum of good behavior.
I am interested, though, in the fact that the movie, which will probably win the academy award (no one really deserves capitals today), managed to display so accurately the double-headed coin that is the "American Dream" (okay, somebody got capitals, but only derisively). That is to say, on the one hand M. Z. epitomizes the go for it, no holds barred, take no prisoners, ends justify the means American Dream. He got his... but he also epitomizes the other side of that ... the intense disdain we have for those who have gotten theirs. We want the OPPORTUNITY to screw everyone and the RIGHT to hate their guts when they get it.
So, some super geeky, insecure asshole with no social skills got a girlfriend ONCE and ruined it by being an asshole (I am not advocating that he should have just been grateful, obviously he had to be himself, but the rampant insecurity and complete lack of reflexivity was not just being himself). Then after sticking in his foot so far into his mouth it came out his ass, he decides the best way of rectifying (rectal, haha) the situation is to publicly humiliate someone for choosing to no longer date him. Oh, and then to objectify all other women that he insecurely considers out of his reach. And what is his prize? A hollow victory, really, oh, sure, he is a bazillionaire, but he will also never be able to have a relationship with someone that is just with him because he/she likes him. That's right, no one will ever know him or tell him like it is, or be real with him, ever again.
That's what I got out of it besides a headache.
I need Mark's hand on my neck and shoulders right now. Not M.Z., the masseur from 10K waves... one can dream.
I took the camera with me ... the batteries were dead, and then I charged the batteries, and now the camera is in the trunk, but I haven't taken any pictures and I haven't uploaded the last ones I took ... so, soon...