Where should I start?
The truth is this was the most challenging course and I knew it would be. Or rather I imagined it wold be. The 12K on Mt. Tam was a little bit of a wake up call to the REALity of just how challenging climbing 1200 feet in a few miles could be, but not enough.
I did not train as well as I should have, as well as I could have.
I struggled in the 12K and made it in dead last, but still running at the finish line. I could have gotten serious then about training, but I survived so I didn't muster the determination to full out train. I did better than I had been, but still not enough.
I didn't think about the fact that THE RUN would actually be not the double of Mt. Tam but TRIPLE. I somehow erased from my thinking that I would climb 1200 feet or so 3 times, never mind the 3 descents which my Mt. Tam experience had also taught me to dread.
So, it was difficult. It was hellish. It seemed neverending. But I did it. I survived. I finished. I conquered all three hills even if it was not at my best.
And it was beautiful -- breathtaking views of the California coast that even my sister said it was more beautiful than our coastline (we grew up near the most beautiful and filmed coastline of Malibu and it is gorgeous as well as holding a special place in the hearts of our family). I did stop to enjoy the views and sketch my aching muscles and cath my breath.
5 days ago