It doesn't really matter whether or not you supported the war when it was proposed. It doesn't really matter if you realized it was a poor choice when we learned the truth about the wmd. It doesn't really matter if you can come up with a million reasons to justify unprovoked aggression you call pre-emptive strikes or war in general.
There isn't any way that war cannot adversely affect you.
If killing were a natural state of affairs, we would still be living as animals.
Beings who think and feel will necessarily be changed by killing, provoked, unprovoked, justified or not.
How many more lives will have to be ruined before we stop our involvement in this war?
It's too late to stop the war. The civil war we caused will wage on perhaps for many, many years. We, however, do not need to continue to expose our children, our future, to this reckless disregard for human life.
Where are the pro-lifers now? When will their righteous indignation join in the demand for the return of our troops so that we may begin to heal their tortured souls?
I suggest this book for those who disbelieve: Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko. This look at the emotional ravages of war is perhaps so compelling because it is not about a "contested" war.
5 days ago